About Me

¡Hola! I am Pradipta, a graduate student at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 'The Belt and Road' Master Fellowship program since September 2018. My interests span a broad range of activities from physics and materials science to sports, and even gym and dance. Currently, I am working in Prof. Junfeng He's Group at Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale (HFNL) on cuprate-based superconductors. For more details about me, please have a quick look over here!

My research interests primarily lie in the area of experimental condensed matter physics spanning both materials science and materials engineering research.

(I have been on semester suspension since 2020 due to the Chinese government’s COVID-19 entry restriction on international students outside China.)

Pradipta Roy Dip (P. R. Dip)

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